Artificial intelligence and the future of branding: what to expect

Artificial intelligence and the future of branding: what to expect

Is artificial intelligence the new social media?

In short, yes. We’re living in the future. Remember the days when robot cars and Tuesday space travels were science fiction? It makes our everyday lives easier so of course, it begs the question of how it can make running a business easier. With the usage of artificial intelligence, the field of marketing has changed drastically and some of the best examples which have been making top brands more lucrative are like nothing you’d expect.

Following the skies

Drones were primarily used for an extremely wide range of reasons from children’s toys to photography and videography to wartime resources. Things have changed drastically today, as Amazon became a huge contender in the online retail space. 

Amazon Prime Air has been developing a new program in which automated shipping and delivery are fulfilled with the use of drones within 30 minutes or less. While the program is slow-moving it’s worth paying attention to. Elon Musk himself has hinted at utilizing the skies for projected advertisements. After all, what’s more, attention-grabbing than the sky? Combined with Amazon Hub drop lockers throughout metropolitan areas, there are many opportunities to partner with or duplicate the success of such programs and have your corporate branding photoshoots or other endeavors noticed.

Autonomous cars

When one thinks of cutting-edge technology rarely does pizza come up but lately, that’s the way of the world. Domino’s Pizza is partnering with robotics company Nuro and is already test-driving autonomous R2 delivery cars in Houston. Google has been using an automated car for its Maps services for years. There can be no doubt that self-driving cars and robots that drive about can bring great positive attention to your brand because of their presence in different areas that will create curiosity and eventually familiarity.

AI marketing platforms

IBM recently partnered with the department store giant to create their Macy’s OnCall app with IBM Watson which accepts natural language questions and gives tailored responses to customers. Lexus also partnered with the company and their television commercials are written by IBM’s AI program which is “driven by intuition.” AI Marketing platforms make it easier to start or run a business of any size without significant staffing overhead. PPC (pay per click) marketing is usually handled in-house or by an agency, but regardless it’s a human service. With automated platforms companies save time and money creating PPC content with common marketing tools such as AdWord and Facebook.

Artificial intelligence is anything but artificial

The question of whether or not AI is smart has been answered by major companies’ rush to jump into its usage. If you want your company to be on the cutting edge and reach a larger audience it would be wise to take the leap yourself.

To keep in contact, request professional headshots in the Tampa area for your AI purposes, or just see what I’ve been up to check out my social media by following me on IG at @kristinamaness

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