Content that stands out in a sea of suits: five ways to market digitally

Content that stands out in a sea of suits: five ways to market digitally

How can web innovation translate to real business? We live in the digital age so it’s time we take advantage of our advancement for marketing. Many factors ensure that your business is booming from resources like product photography and corporate headshots to SEOs and pay-per-click advertising. Keep reading to find out all the ways top brands are holding their own in the corporate space. 

Innovation means opportunities

Where innovation happens, opportunity follows. Stay tuned for digital marketing strategies that are sure to open new doors for you:

Search engine optimization (SEO)

It’s rare that anyone goes beyond the first search page to find something online; 75% of people never click on to the second page of search engine results pages (SERPs) though 93% of online experiences begin with a search. SEO is a way to ensure that your webpage gets the greatest amount of traffic. 

In 2020 Google updated its algorithms for SERPs through what they have dubbed Core Web Vitals. To appear higher on SERPs your site has to hit standards for Loading, Interactivity and Visual Stability. All three metrics have to do with speed: the faster your site loads, the speed with which you can start using it, and how stable your connection is are all ways to rank higher. An additional two second delay can lead to a 50% increase in bounce rate and lower your chances at connecting with clients, so it’s best to be mindful by optimizing your web presence.

Email marketing 

It’s a universal experience to have email newsletters and ads fly into your inbox. Many are quick to unsubscribe but statistics have shown that 74% of the Baby Boomer generation find email the most personal form of contact and 78% of marketers see an increase in engagement results over the course of twelve months. Just because something is traditional doesn’t mean it’s outdated so make sure you’re just as quick to shoot an email as to post business photography on Instagram.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Behind all our daily internet clicks lie a myriad of business transactions. Every search term and interaction is being charged to a marketer who has bid on a particular phrase. When quality phrases are up for grabs marketers who bid a smart amount can lead to better client engagement for a fraction of the cost. Pay-per-click is best for the business that utilizes direct responses and product sales. However, the fluctuation of PPC costs means short term use could be a better move for you.

Affiliate links

You know something is good marketing when it’s even being used in the article you’re reading about marketing —like this one. Working with affiliate partners to direct traffic to you is not just good, it’s prudent. By including hyperlinks to partners who track customer conversion and engagement you’re sacrificing a small percentage to make a larger sale. I’d say it’s time to share your piece of the pie.

Online PR

Reddit is an online forum that’s commonly used for social engagement with “upvoted” content rising to the top of search results (sound familiar?) and “downvoted” content practically disappearing into the void. Marketing campaigns have often utilized it for live Q&A presentations because its niche forums often guide consumers. It’s one of the best forms of online PR and website links actually drive Reddit’s engagement so you can work with affiliates or alone to retain new business.

Mix and match your choices

No one ever said that you had to pick just one way to connect with others digitally. To see the many ways you can digitize your business opportunities contact me and follow me on IG at @kristinamaness

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