What Millennial and Gen Z Shoppers Want From Your Brand

What Millennial and Gen Z Shoppers Want From Your Brand

By the end of 2019, millennials surpassed the boomer generation as the most prevalent living generation. Young shoppers, millennials and younger, have their own culture of consumerism that your company must understand if you want to connect with us in any real way. Take it from a millennial business owner. Here’s how to appeal to millennial and gen Z shoppers:

Why consider marketing to young shoppers?

Well, because young shoppers are the future. If you want to keep your products and services relevant, you need to make them important to the newest generations of shoppers looking for the items and services that make them happy and simplify their lives. Currently, millennials have the most buying power, with 80 million spenders among the group. So what can you take away about young shoppers that can help your brand? Keep reading to learn what millennials want.

What millennials want from your brand

Long beards, avocado toast, and lots of diversity, there’s more to millennials and gen z than meets the eye. Here’s what young shoppers want from your brand:


Millennials are old enough to remember the impact the Great Recession had on some of their more formative years, like their teens and early twenties. The affect of a recession during a time when most young people are learning important lessons about spending means millennials shop more conservatively and have higher expectations of honesty from vendors, and a healthy mistrust of financial institutions.

Regarding gen z, an article by IBM states, “Pragmatic and alert to unfounded hype, Gen Zers also want brands to be transparent, trustworthy, authentic, and relevant. Retailers or consumer goods companies must establish an environment of trust when reaching out to this unique generation of consumers.”

Good faith

Essential to building trust is a feeling that businesses are operating in good faith. There have been times in recent years when businesses operating outside of an effective value system caused disarray for the country and toppled economies across the world. For young shoppers, not only do they want a business to be honest about their intentions, but they want them to operate in good faith. 

Participating in movements like clean energy, ethical harvesting, and value-based healthcare are ways companies can show they are operating in good faith, with the best interest of consumers and the world in mind.

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If you’re a small business owner and a Florida voter, you are probably thinking about how you can make an impact, one way you can appeal to your audience is by showing your authentic self in your brand. When it comes down to it, young shoppers expect authenticity, they want to be able to trust you. An image speaks 1 million words, in this case, and the right images can make a big splash. Ok, ok, so even if you are not ready to book today. A follow on Instagram can go a long way, and you’ll get more tips from me, Kristina Maness, and my St. Pete photography studio.

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