How to Shoot Tampa Product Photography for Your Bay Area Brand

How to Shoot Tampa Product Photography for Your Bay Area Brand

Product marketing is a whole art, one that can’t be accomplished without a strong emphasis on branding. That’s why it’s important all of your photos match your brand and messaging, including your product photography! Good product photography make all the difference, but small business owners have to prioritize their funds, which sometimes means taking photos in-house. If you’re considering shooting your own Tampa product photography, here’s how you can!

Gather your materials

The first thing you need to before you decide to take pictures is to make sure that you have what you need. You need a camera (even a smartphone can work, considering the technology they now include). 
You also need lighting. Amazon sells lightboxes that range from $25-$150. If you are interested in marketing on a white or solid color background (which is recommended unless you are outside, pro tip!), you can use an affordable lightbox to capture your product. If the product photographs are to make it onto your social media profile, consider tools like Planoly that help you schedule and get the job done right.

Make a shot list

A shot list will make it easier for you to capture the best Tampa product photography. Consider how many quality shots of a product you need in order to provide potential shoppers with the visual information they need to make a decision. If you have an iPhone you can use the burst feature to take multiple shots at once. It’s best to get product photography in batches so you have plenty of options to choose from with each shot.

Consider how your shots elevate your brand

If this is your first time visiting my blog then you may not know that I’m a big believer in the many ways good, thoughtful photography can elevate your brand. Do you have a color palette for your logo and website? If yes, how does that work into your shot? Other aesthetic elements can be added to the shot if they make sense in coneying your brand. For example, seashells or wildflowers can add a touch of delicacy and beautification to your photos, but only if they make sense with your brand.

Embrace Tampa product photography outdoors

Lighting decisions are so important to your brand. I can’t stress that enough. Luckily, the sunshine state is good at providing light, and during certain times of year, our golden hour is like no other! You may feel compelled to take your products outside, to show them in the environment that they are used, or to provide an element of nature aesthetic. Florida’s beachy, mossy, oak ambiance may provide the perfect area for you to accentuate your brand provided you can get the lighting correct.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun! At Kristina Maness Photography “fun” is a cornerstone of my business, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you’re looking for a brand photoshoot that emphasizes your message, book a session with me today.

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