The Social Revolution, Pt 1: How social media has changed the world

The Social Revolution, Pt 1: How social media has changed the world

Does social media’s impact even matter?

Of course! But it may not be obvious the ways in which it does. Most go-getters’ days start the same: an early wake up followed by a quick phone scroll. It updates us on everything from friends’ brunch dates to a personal branding photoshoot to political movements. It’s almost impossible to think of a time when online socializing wasn’t standard practice. 

As the world turns, social media continues to dominate its attention, promoting and even creating trends and ideals. There are so many reasons that social media has been such a catalyzing force and in exploring its impact we better understand each other. In this article, we’ll look at three ways social media has changed the world we live and interact in.

Three ways social media has changed the world

Below are some important ways that social media has changed the world:

Tighter bonds

Social media creates community. Think of that Facebook group you joined years ago because someone finally understands your love for jazzercise. Now realize that every single person you know has some niche interest and that they crave the same understanding. 

It’s one reason why social sites like Reddit and Instagram have become such giants. In the case of businesses, social media builds relationships through customer service where responses are penned directly to users. By utilizing social media, businesses have been able to more pointedly engage and adjust their products and branding to suit customer tastes. What’s better market research than talking to your market one-on-one?

More freedom in the free market

Starting a business always requires an investment but with social media, the cost is lesser as it begins to grow. Gone are the days where you needed a brick-and-mortar location for others to have faith in you. It’s easier to create a customer base when posting on social media is free advertising. Social media has made small business ventures accessible to anyone with dedication. Internet research expert J. Clement found that 97 percent of Fortune 500 companies rely on social media campaigns.

Better interactions

How many times have you wanted to talk to someone but were too intimidated? This is pretty common for most people. 

Social media removes the cultural and psychological barriers that often stop us from interacting even if someone has the perfect headshot photo. Those with anxiety or more shy personalities have benefitted from the use of apps like LinkedIn and OKCupid to enhance both their professional and personal lives. 

Social media does have a dark side that includes insecurity in one’s personal life as compared to others, fear of missing out (FOMO), and cyberbullying. But like any other tool if used properly and with a positive and strong mindset its effects will help rather than harm.

Social media will continue to evolve

It’s easier than ever to keep up with the people and brands that reflect your interests. Every day new apps are being created to explore each others’ humanity. As social media evolves some apps have been phased out such as Snapchat and Vine while others such as Facebook and Twitter are foundational cornerstones. As long as there exists the human craving for connection social media’s impact will be important to our daily lives.

To keep in contact and see what I’ve been up to, check out my social media by following my IG @kristinamaness