Shooting for the stars: does partnering with influencers really turn a profit?

Shooting for the stars: does partnering with influencers really turn a profit?

In an industry wracked by a global pandemic and which has always thrived on its own merits, the suggestion of a gratis service sounds peculiar. Businesses don’t seem interested in personal branding, photoshoots, or the perfect headshot in exchange for reviews from influencers but they are a great resource to foster sales and brand authenticity. In this article, we’ll discuss why:

What’s so great about influencers anyway?

It’s worth noting that boomers, gen x, and millennials are all suspicious of businesses and brands. Most Millenials don’t trust large organizations or really anyone according to a recently conducted study; it’s of particular concern to businesses as Millenials are usually their target demographic. However, it’s been proven that a great deal of credibility is given to influencers for their organic following. And pleasantly, they are a great resource for any company.

How to build trust with influencer marketing

In 2012 it was established that 92 percent of people trust individual recommendations over those of brands and all other marketing avenues. In terms of trust, consumer reviews follow at a close second at 70 percent globally. A later 2016 study found that 83 percent of consumers give credence to the recommendations that influencers vouch for by following their advice. 

Maybe as a result of personal relationship development and engagement on social media platforms, there’s been an uptick in the usage of influencers for campaigns instead of traditional advertisements and commercials. Word of mouth marketing is amazing, but for whatever reason when it’s thrown around the world via tweets consumed over coffee at internet cafes—it carries more doubt. While word of mouth is five times more effective for sales results than traditional marketing the return of investment for influencer-based marketing is actually 11 times higher.

While some people are inherently wary of others it’s been proven that an action as simple as displaying a genuine smile can change consumer perception. More particularly it was proven that “…exposure to a celebrity displaying a Duchenne [genuine] smile significantly boosts consumer perceptions of celebrity genuineness when consumers have a negative attitude toward [a] celebrity.
Your business should partner with an influencer who has a genuine passion and love for your brand, so approach your favorite one and expect a higher rate of return. Follow me on Instagram for more great tips on how to succeed in branding and business.

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